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Asamardhuni Jeevitha Yatra Pdf Free Download

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Ashish Iyer
Sadly this Telugu book didn't work out well for me. Either this book is sheer brilliance or it is too bad. Or maybe translation wasn't that good. I did find some spelling mistakes. I am still waiting for more amazing Telugu literature to read.
Do recommend me more Telugu books you guys.
Sadly this Telugu book didn't work out well for me. Either this book is sheer brilliance or it is too bad. Or maybe translation wasn't that good. I did find some spelling mistakes. I am still waiting for more amazing Telugu literature to read.
Do recommend me more Telugu books you guys.
Sep 09, 2017 rated it it was amazing
అసమర్ధుని జీవయాత్ర

Tripuraneni Gopichand created a unique anti-hero, a wealthy feudal landlord who delights in helping others. Soon he becomes impoverished and expects gratitude and help from those he had earlier aided. He develops a grudge against the world.
His split personality advocates now one point of view and then its exact opposite. The novelist achieves the interiorization of the outer and the externalization of the inner world of a character as no one has never ever done before hi

అసమర్ధుని జీవయాత్ర

Tripuraneni Gopichand created a unique anti-hero, a wealthy feudal landlord who delights in helping others. Soon he becomes impoverished and expects gratitude and help from those he had earlier aided. He develops a grudge against the world.
His split personality advocates now one point of view and then its exact opposite. The novelist achieves the interiorization of the outer and the externalization of the inner world of a character as no one has never ever done before him in Telugu literature.
Asamardhuni JeevaYatra underlined the point that we should stand on our own foundation to move ahead.

ఈ పుస్తకం నేను కొనుగోలు చేసి సుమారు రెండు సంవత్సరాలు అయింది అయినా ఈ పుస్తకాన్ని చదవడం మొదలు పెట్టే పనిని మాత్రం కార్యరూపం దాల్చలేకపోయాను యాదృచ్చికమో లేక ఇంకేమైనా అయివుండచ్చు సరిగ్గా గోపీచంద్ గారి పుట్టినరోజున(Sep 08) ఈ పుస్తకాన్ని అనుకోకుండా ప్రారంభించడం జరిగింది..
ఒకపక్క సమాజ రీతిని విశ్లేషిస్తూ, మరోపక్క మనిషిలోని దౌర్బల్యాన్ని కళ్లకి కట్టినట్లు చూపిస్తాడు రచయిత.
ఈ కథలో సీతారామారావు కేవలం ఒక వంక మాత్రమే! ఆ వంకతో ప్రతి పాఠకుడినీ తనలోకి తాను చూసుకునేలా, ఆత్మవిమర్శకి అద్దంలాగా తోస్తుంది ఆ నవల.
సీతారామారావుకి కుటుంబజీవితం రోతగా అనిపిస్తుంది. గర్భిణి స్త్రీల ప్రవర్తన అతనికి కంపరం కలిగిస్తుంది. ఆకర్షణీయంగా అలంకరించుకుని అందంగా ఉండే ఆడవాళ్ళంటే అతనికి మరీ కంపరం పుట్టేది. "ఏం చూసుకుని వీళ్ళకీ నిక్కు? మామూలు వాళ్ళలా వీళ్ళూ రోజూ కాలకృత్యాలు తీర్చుకునేవాళ్ళేగా" అనుకుంటాడు. ఊహించుకునే కొద్దీ, ఏడవడమూ, చీదుకోడము లాంటివి చేసే ఆడవాళ్ళు అందరినీ అసహ్యించుకుంటాడు.
నిజానికి సీతారామారావు అజ్ఞాని/అసమర్ధుడు కాడు. గురుకులం విద్యతో వచ్చిన జ్ఞానానికి, తను పెరిగిన సాంప్రదాయానికి సమన్వయం చేకూర్చుకోలేకపోయాడు. అందుకే అతని ఆశయాలకు, ఆచరణకు పొంతన లేకుండా పోయింది.
ఈ నవలలో సీతారామారావు ఆత్మన్యూనత నుండి బయటపడానికి ఏమి చేయడు.ఈ సమయంలో గోపిచంద్ సీతారామారావులో చెలరేగే అలజడులను కళ్ళకు కట్టినట్లు వివరించాడు.
తన తండ్రికి ఇచ్చిన మాటను నిలబెట్టుకోవడానికి తనలో తాను తీవ్ర సంఘర్షనకు గురి అవుతాడు. ఒక వ్యక్తిగా సమాజంలో ఎవరితోనూ కలవాడు. ఈ నవలలో inferiority complex అనేది మనిషిని ఏ స్థాయి వరకూ  చేర్చుతుందో వివరించాడు..
''ప్రపంచంలో అన్నిటికంటే ముఖ్యమైనది వంశ గౌరవమే'' అన్న భావాన్ని తండ్రి పెకిలించటానికి సాధ్యం కానంత శక్తిమంతంగా నాటిపోయాడు. చివరికి తన పతనానికి కారణం తండ్రే అయినా, తండ్రి నేర్పిన పాఠాలను తన జీవితానుభవాల ద్వారా మార్చుకోలేకపోయిన తన అసమర్థతే తన పతనానికి కారణమనే జ్ఞానోదయం కలుగటంతో తన పట్ల తనకే విపరీతమైన ద్వేషం, కసి జనించి, తనను తాను నిర్దాక్షిణ్యంగా హతమార్చుకోవటంతో  'అసమర్థుని జీవయాత్ర' పరిసమాప్తమౌతుంది..
తన భావాలను, తన బాధలను కళ్ళకు కట్టినట్టుగ రాసే శక్తి కొందరికే ఉంటుంది, అందులో ఒకరు గోపిచంద్. ఆలోచనలతో, అనుభవాలతో ఒక వ్యక్తి చేసే పోరాటమే ఈ అసమర్థుని జీవయాత్ర..

Nov 16, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Gopichand is one of the most prominent writers in modern Telugu literature. This is the first psychological novel in Telugu. Being a radical humanist he believes that human will is the most important thing to live. His writings discuss the correspondence between individuals and society.
Seetharamarao, a wealthy landlord who is very concerned about his family name and prestige. He loses everything due to his amiability and innocence. We can't decide whether this man is a genius or a fool. He alway
Gopichand is one of the most prominent writers in modern Telugu literature. This is the first psychological novel in Telugu. Being a radical humanist he believes that human will is the most important thing to live. His writings discuss the correspondence between individuals and society.
Seetharamarao, a wealthy landlord who is very concerned about his family name and prestige. He loses everything due to his amiability and innocence. We can't decide whether this man is a genius or a fool. He always feels that he is the only person who is right and never listens to anyone. He thinks that there is no purpose for living. His views about family and society are really sick. His split personality never agrees on anything. This character is the epitome of inferiority.
The author left the choice of deciding whether seetharamarao understood the meaning of life or not to our own wisdom.
Katakam Teja
Dec 28, 2019 rated it it was amazing
A Tale of Tragecomedy with nuanced elements including, but not limited to Morality, Psychology and Philosophy.
It is a novella about 130 pages that narrates the unfiltered thoughts of the Protagonist - Son of once wealthy landlord , under the shadow of his father's and family's fame , he grows to be a naive young man far from the realties, mired in his everlasting conflicting thoughts about the world and how to live.
Entrapped in between his squabbling thoughts and his failed attempts to fit in
A Tale of Tragecomedy with nuanced elements including, but not limited to Morality, Psychology and Philosophy.
It is a novella about 130 pages that narrates the unfiltered thoughts of the Protagonist - Son of once wealthy landlord , under the shadow of his father's and family's fame , he grows to be a naive young man far from the realties, mired in his everlasting conflicting thoughts about the world and how to live.
Entrapped in between his squabbling thoughts and his failed attempts to fit in typical "Household life" , he falls into the labyrinth of familyman , which he had always despised. Unable to fit into a groove and facing deception from his own blood, he begins to question the purpose of life, definitions of joys and sorrows, need for morality and ends up getting disillusioned with the socio-cultural progressions that the people desire to emulate. Further, he begins to hate everything and everyone in his life, including his wife and child and begins to show up tendencies of delirium . Rest of the story is about how he reacts to the different elements of society and if he could ever come to terms with his opinionated life.

Written around 8 decades back, this story , surprisingly and nonchalantly ,resounds with the present ongoing ideological crises. While the writer , initially , begins with the arguments that echo the philosophy of Nihilists, I was impressed to see how it fluently transcends to the theme of Absursdism-Existentialism.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the best modern works of Telugu and this is one book I am going to pass it on to my children.

I have read this book 2 years before during my college days. But then I couldn't grasp it. This time I think I have understood much better and this time I am amazed.

The incapable in this story is Sitarama Rao. He is a learned one but he is a prisoner of his thoughts. This story is about how his thoughts effect his life. It is true for every one as we are shaped by our thoughts.

The incapable earned a good amount of inheritance from his father. But to satiate his desire for fame he spent all of it

I have read this book 2 years before during my college days. But then I couldn't grasp it. This time I think I have understood much better and this time I am amazed.

The incapable in this story is Sitarama Rao. He is a learned one but he is a prisoner of his thoughts. This story is about how his thoughts effect his life. It is true for every one as we are shaped by our thoughts.

The incapable earned a good amount of inheritance from his father. But to satiate his desire for fame he spent all of it. Now he is jobless(he doesn't want to do one), spending all day at home, losing himself in his thoughts.

He has a pregnant wife-Indira and a daughter. When he is young he detested marriage and he thought of being a bachelor through out his life. But eventually he marries. He thinks that he will give a new definition to marriage but he is failed in doing so. He thinks of gender equality, not beating children etc. But when it comes to action, he can be seen scolding his wife, detesting women and daughter for the most part of the book. He thinks that he inherently is good but circumstances made him do so. He never admits his shortcomings.

There are 2 other important characters in this story. The incapable's maternal uncle and Ramaiah-an old person who is extremely fond of the incapable's family.

His mind is always filled with thoughts one fighting with each other. Out of all this he becomes a nihilist. Can he change his thoughts and gain freedom from them? This forms the rest of the story.

The most wonderful thing about any old/historical genre book is that they not only offer us a story but also we can get to know the culture, beliefs of our earlier generations. This book offers a perfect glimpse of conditions existing then-be it gender inequality, Superstitions and many such things.

Every character in this book is Portrayed well-be it incapable, incapable's wife who despite his abuses revers him, incapable's daughter who's resilience you got to like, incapable's uncle who has his own set of Philosophy and finally Ramaiah who can be seen as giving advice to the incapable.

This book has some wonderful set of Philosophies which I think are relevant to this day and will be further.

There is despair in incapable's thoughts but there is also hope in Ramaiah's Words. It is up to us to choose because man though appears to be a Prisoner of circumstances, he is offered a chance from time to time to rise above circumstances and to determine his destiny.

Karthik S V
Jun 08, 2018 rated it really liked it
Wow, it's been quite a long while since I read something in Telugu and I clearly wasn't expecting anything of this quality. I read this is a start stop way but the ideas touched upon in this work had me awed. So many times that I wanted to stop and share lines from this so that my admiration for it would be known to else. Had me engaged throughout except may be towards the end where it felt a tad stretched. Nonetheless, one of the very best character and societal study that I've come across.


Wow, it's been quite a long while since I read something in Telugu and I clearly wasn't expecting anything of this quality. I read this is a start stop way but the ideas touched upon in this work had me awed. So many times that I wanted to stop and share lines from this so that my admiration for it would be known to else. Had me engaged throughout except may be towards the end where it felt a tad stretched. Nonetheless, one of the very best character and societal study that I've come across.

Edit: Second time reading this, think it'll only keep giving. Profound, affecting.

Harish Challapalli
It takes guts to write such a book and more patience to read it.. hard hitting facts here and there.. narration was not fluid.. something is missing in this book and it won't attract the reader like "parameswara Sastry" book.. somehow finished reading it.. some instances/words will have a great impact..

Read it if u liked this writer's writing style.. but u may feel disappointed.

Vijaya krishna kakarla
I will strongly recommend this book to everyone who can read telugu, this is a book of quality and quality about importance of adaptability in life.

Greatly written and not less than any English classics

Narendra Settuluri
a lot can be learnt from every character. a must read book .
it hardly took 5 hours to complete it.
Revanth Dasari
A man having psychological conflicts with himself as he goes through an existential crisis, this book and the protagonist, Seetharama Rao is pretty disturbing to read - especially when you could relate to what he's going through.

Coming to the book, the characters -albeit very few- were very well thought.

This book has six chapters, none of which having the protagonist in the same state of mind about his surroundings. The character development of Seetharama Rao is worthy of all praise because I n

A man having psychological conflicts with himself as he goes through an existential crisis, this book and the protagonist, Seetharama Rao is pretty disturbing to read - especially when you could relate to what he's going through.

Coming to the book, the characters -albeit very few- were very well thought.

This book has six chapters, none of which having the protagonist in the same state of mind about his surroundings. The character development of Seetharama Rao is worthy of all praise because I never thought I'd relate, laugh, think, despise, and feel apathetic to "only one" character. You just can't write a character like that !

There's this Telugu film Kushi(2001), which is considered one of the classics of the industry. When you ask people about it, they may not really say anything about the story. But, they'll relish the little moments in the film which makes the film great and so personal for them. They may just say that the film is nothing but the characters talking with each other. I think this book falls broadly in the same category. The story doesn't progress much, the characters do. A lot.

And all this were written in the first ever psychological novel of the language (Had to include this). Loved the book. If you happen to pick up the book, keep going through the middle and don't put it down.

Swapna Y
Aug 08, 2020 rated it it was amazing
This book is about 120 pages long.
Story of Seetarama Rao who once was rich and eventually loses everything because of his naiveté and thirst for fame. He expects help from those who he helped. Eventually his anger matures in to bitterness.
he grows in to an angry and resentful person that tries make others responsible for his inabilities. Also starts to personalize every situation. He is in his head all the time and falls victim of own dilutions. He develops very high conflict personality. About
This book is about 120 pages long.
Story of Seetarama Rao who once was rich and eventually loses everything because of his naiveté and thirst for fame. He expects help from those who he helped. Eventually his anger matures in to bitterness.
he grows in to an angry and resentful person that tries make others responsible for his inabilities. Also starts to personalize every situation. He is in his head all the time and falls victim of own dilutions. He develops very high conflict personality. About half way through he cries during birth of his daughter because his wife has to go through such a pain. then few pages later we see that he hits her because in his head he thinks that she is disrespecting him.

Towards the end the author makes us believe that Seetarama Rao is changing for better since he starts to see what is wrong. I was very excited to imagine how he may turn around his life and give his children and wife better life , but that does happen. He is an incompetent person unfit for life after-all.

Abhinay Kumar
Mar 28, 2018 rated it really liked it
Recommends it for: depressed, inferior
I don't know what to tell after reading this book. It has the required elements of every human being who believes that he's doing the right thing and all the others are not following the law of his principle. The character Sitharama rao is very well constructed and I feel that the traits he owned are deeply engraved in every human. How he comes down from a great person to the other side is wonderfully described. Mostly the last chapters of the book are outstanding and the speech about the curren I don't know what to tell after reading this book. It has the required elements of every human being who believes that he's doing the right thing and all the others are not following the law of his principle. The character Sitharama rao is very well constructed and I feel that the traits he owned are deeply engraved in every human. How he comes down from a great person to the other side is wonderfully described. Mostly the last chapters of the book are outstanding and the speech about the current society and people is terrific. Actually, it really talks about the current political situation of the entire world. No-one cares who is eligible/qualified to lead us or support the society, however people will worship the feeling of being worshipping. In my opinion, this book is for everyone who is stuck in a depressed state, Gopichand's way of describing and briefing many things in this book is flawless. ...more
Sep 21, 2020 rated it it was amazing
I read this book way back in 2014, but I couldn't resist writing a review for this book when I am looking for a Telugu book to read. I was uncomfortable reading this book throughout as the writing is hard-hitting. The book is small, but it took some time to finish it as the depth in writing makes you contemplate as you read each paragraph.

The protagonist, Sitaramao, comes up with excuses to do things and reasons to hate people, situations, and community. His opinions are so strong that he and t

I read this book way back in 2014, but I couldn't resist writing a review for this book when I am looking for a Telugu book to read. I was uncomfortable reading this book throughout as the writing is hard-hitting. The book is small, but it took some time to finish it as the depth in writing makes you contemplate as you read each paragraph.

The protagonist, Sitaramao, comes up with excuses to do things and reasons to hate people, situations, and community. His opinions are so strong that he and the community around him find it tough to intertwine. In the end, the author leaves us to understand and judge his character

This is the kind of story where you can reflect and relate to at least one of the incidents or idea of them at some point of your life. If not, you would have met someone who acts exactly like these characters. In short, it is a nice interpretation of everyday life and musings of intelligent and innocent at the same time in a contemporary society with it's rules and regulations that only apply to common man. .
For me, the end of the #book is disappointing as I was expecting more from the author b
This is the kind of story where you can reflect and relate to at least one of the incidents or idea of them at some point of your life. If not, you would have met someone who acts exactly like these characters. In short, it is a nice interpretation of everyday life and musings of intelligent and innocent at the same time in a contemporary society with it's rules and regulations that only apply to common man. .
For me, the end of the #book is disappointing as I was expecting more from the author by that time. Overall, I enjoyed reading it.
Rama Krishna Reddy
A brilliant psychological drama; the book with its hard-hitting narration portrays the life and thoughts of Sitarama Rao, a man torn between what he has been and what he should be. The writing takes us through his resistance to change, his entitled behavior and his existential questions in this short read. The character of Sitarama Rao might be one of the best I have read across any literature. Must read for anyone who understands Telugu. Only book after Ayn Rand's "Fountainhead" that made a pro A brilliant psychological drama; the book with its hard-hitting narration portrays the life and thoughts of Sitarama Rao, a man torn between what he has been and what he should be. The writing takes us through his resistance to change, his entitled behavior and his existential questions in this short read. The character of Sitarama Rao might be one of the best I have read across any literature. Must read for anyone who understands Telugu. Only book after Ayn Rand's "Fountainhead" that made a profound impact on me. ...more
Chokka Upendra
This book literally washout the outer thick smog that covers the inner eternal soul. Many teachings we can extract from this book like Right knowledge is always crucial to develop as a gyaani and tyaagi. Instead of blaming on others over our mistakes, we should introspect ourselves at every second before we do any action. In simple language, manasa vachah karma should be pure because any small wrong thought, word or action can have a disastrous situation ahead. Worth Reading !!!
Venkatesh Bandi
Excellent narrative, making us to think in lead role character and sometimes oppose. The questioning character of siataramarao is appreciable. The stroy flows through clarity expressing how Ego and anger of a person lead to his own destiny.

The concepts of changes in society according to the knowledge and understanding of nature is impressive.

The story taught - Ideal behaviour changes according to the existing situation and Dharma is never stagnant.

Dinesh Reddy
Became really difficult to get through the last 30 pages. At the end, I did not understand how the protagonist died. Otherwise, a good book that hits hard and makes you introspect. Even though written 8 decades ago, every thought of the Protagonist is still relevant and I am sure they will be relevant even after 8 decades. Overall, a good book.
Nikhileswar Ediga
Philosophical. Mainly revolves around question 'Why?'. Worth reading for starters. Philosophical. Mainly revolves around question 'Why?'. Worth reading for starters. ...more
Jagadeesh Reddy
Good book, deep thinking on societal working from the eye of an inefficient man.
Venkateswar Rao
Just one word about this is WOW. I recommend every Telugu person to read and feel it.
Vijay Mutyala
Mar 07, 2020 rated it it was amazing
I don't know what to say. Though written in 1947 it's still relevant today. I don't know what to say. Though written in 1947 it's still relevant today. ...more
Vishnu Vardhan
This is story of a man lives within himself. Sad, yet beautiful story.
Rakesh Akula
Jan 13, 2021 rated it it was amazing
Ahead of it's time... best psychological in telugu literature. Ahead of it's time... best psychological in telugu literature. ...more
Marri Manojkumar
Gives a reflection of how humans validate and legitimise the actions in their life

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